Top 5 Free Blog Websites to Start Your Blogging Journey

Top 5 Free Blog Websites to Start Your Blogging Journey

Blogging and digital marketing complement one another. You may have heard the phrase "Content Is King," which is frequently used in conjunction with business blog posts. If you run an online business, you should be aware that blogging is the most effective way to drive traffic to your website via Google and other search engines. Additionally, if you have some ideas to share with the world, blogging is typically one of the most effective and universally convenient ways to do so.

free blog website

The question that arises here is whether it is possible to start a blog successfully without investing any money. Investing a significant amount of money in a blog is not always possible, especially for those who do it as a hobby and do not expect to earn any money from it. Even if someone intends to use it for marketing purposes, the majority are hesitant to invest significant funds in a blog. If you fall into this category of individuals in need of a free or low-cost blog, you are not alone.

To assist you, the following are the top free website builders for blogging (with additional viable free options at the end of the article):

Free Blog Website


WordPress is the most popular free blogging platform and is the first choice of new bloggers worldwide. There are two ways to work with WordPress: through a completely free service or through a low-cost paid service. If you've ever used WordPress, you're probably aware that the platform is divided into two distinct websites: and While both of these platforms are free, you must purchase hosting to begin working with If you choose, you can create a free account and begin blogging immediately.

There are numerous WordPress themes from which to choose in order to customize your website exactly how you want it. WordPress manages upgrades, security, backups, and spam filters for you. Simply visit and create a unique domain name. Bear in mind that selecting a domain name does not require you to choose a word that is irrelevant to the content you intend to present. It should be relevant to your brand name and, if possible, provide some SEO value to Google.

Begin blogging and increase traffic to your website by utilizing SEO and social media tools or plugins. WordPress fully integrates with Google Analytics to track page views, visitors, ad clicks, likes, and comments. Additionally, you can see how and from which sources visitors are directed to your content. In general, WordPress is unquestionably the best of the top five free blogging platform options.


Blogger or BlogSpot, Google's long-standing free blogging platform, now has compatible mobile versions, and Google app integration is the world's second most popular. Though it lacks the power of WordPress, this website's ease of use and compatibility with other Google platforms attracts new bloggers. Its templates are designed in such a way that they work flawlessly for those who access the blog via mobile devices. One of its best features is its integration with Google apps, which enables it to be worked on from any location.

Even if you do not have access to your data, it retrieves images and other files from Google Drive. If you've configured Google Drive for Blogger, you'll receive an additional 15 GB. Additionally, it includes an auto-filter for spam comments, so you won't have to worry about it. Blogger is popular due to its simple user interface, adaptability, and ease of use.

While it does not appear to be as versatile and customizable as WordPress on the surface, you can significantly customize the HTML and CSS to create some very nice looking and optimized sites that nobody will ever mistake for BlogSpot. Additionally, they offer a fairly robust 1-click mobile website option that saves you a lot of time and effort.

Additionally, they recently upgraded all BlogSpot blogs without custom domain names to a free HTTPS secure status, which is beneficial for public image and search engine optimization.

Blogger is a Google product in terms of SEO. While this should have no bearing on search engine results, we all know that Google has been known to favor their own products over competitors in the past. In either case, you can rest assured that Google's crawlers will not overlook your BlogSpot blog. BlogSpot is the underrated and underutilized number two platform in our list of the top five best free blogging websites.


Weebly may actually be the most convenient free blogging platform for those who are unable to experiment with all of the blogging tools offered by other blogging platforms. It's a very user-friendly blogging platform, as you can easily drag and drop items from the simple menu. Simply choose a template and begin adding elements such as images, video, blog posts, text, social media links, maps, diagrams, and footer links.

Additionally, any blog posts that you wish to share are added in the same manner. Simply drag and drop a text box to the desired location. Click to edit it and immediately add a frame, a button, and page breaks. Additionally, you can review your post by accessing the'secret draft link' that was provided. Weebly is an excellent CMS platform to begin with if you are completely new to blogging and simply need to get started.


Tumblr is the most popular blogging platform for Generation Z, Millennials, and a few other niche demographics. It offers another straightforward and mobile-friendly setup for those looking to get their blog up and running in less than five minutes! This platform enables you to easily share infographics, multimedia, videos, images, audio files, text, and links that include a brief description. It also comes with a lovely collection of themes, which means you can easily make your blog more appealing to your visitors with just a few clicks.

Tumblr does have some disadvantages. Because it is primarily an image and video-based site, long-form content (and the associated SEO benefits) is not as easy or as well-received by the community. Second, it lacks anti-virus plugins and adequate caching, which means that sites can be easily hacked and occasionally load slowly. Tumblr is a very limited platform, but it can still be a useful option without requiring a lot of time or money.

5) WIX 

You cannot deny that the majority of Wix websites are sleek and modern, which contributes significantly to your blog's first impression with customers and visitors. They are not always the quickest or most SEO-friendly option, but they are straightforward and beautiful.

Wix includes two quick editors and a library of royalty-free stock photos for use in your posts. It is a free website builder with a significant storage limitation. It only includes 500 MB of storage per month, so if you want unlimited posting, you must pay for a premium plan. There are two editors; one is Wix ADI, which automatically creates your site based on your responses to a series of questions. It is a completely unique way of creating a website that is greatly appreciated by users who are unable to easily select items and create according to their preferences, or who prefer everything to be done automatically. The other Wix editor is also quite simple to use, far simpler than WordPress or Blogger.

Additionally, Wix enables you to easily incorporate images from a variety of sources, including your hard drive, free Wix stock images, social media, and Bigstock, to name a few. This simplifies things, but you can always visit Pixabay or Pexels for additional stock image options to help you sell your product or strengthen your branding.

You can choose any of these sites to begin your blogging journey based on your preferences and content type. Nonetheless, we must emphasize once more that you should never choose a free site if you intend to use blogging to earn money. As an example, if you want to start your own clothing line or essay writing service, you will purchase a domain and create a blog. And, perhaps most importantly, you can work on them without restriction.

Additional Top-Rated Free Blogging Platforms

Along with the five fantastic free blogging platforms mentioned previously, there are a plethora of other viable options. Nowadays, one could argue that Reddit, Squarespace, Quora, Medium, and LinkedIn, among other platforms, could also be used as primary blogging platforms. There is no such thing as a bad choice as long as your content is of sufficient quality and you can share it with an interested audience.


Choosing the right free or low-cost blogging platform is critical for developing your business brand and optimizing your website's SEO. Because content marketing is critical at the moment, choosing the best blog site is a significant decision. Locate the most appropriate free blog site platform for you and begin writing! Have fun with your blogging!

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