5 Steps To Professionally Blogging Your Way Out Of A Low-Paying Job - Blogger Monetization Made Simple

5 Steps To Professionally Blogging Your Way Out Of A Low-Paying Job - Blogger Monetization Made Simple

Employees are fed up with being underpaid and are resigning in record numbers as part of The Great Resignation in 2022. As inflation and the cost of living continue to rise while wages remain unchanged, we are squeezed out of the economy. We are well aware that our job is substandard. We are well aware that we work excessively hard for insufficient compensation. We respond to emails and messages at all hours of the day and night, or we break our backs and are unable to play on weekends, if we even get weekends off. In the United States and some other countries, two weeks of vacation are considered a luxury, and those who take them are frequently chastised! There must be a more efficient method. Fortunately, there is one way to be your own boss and potentially earn an unlimited amount of money.

Blogging Professionally

Professional blogging can be done from the comfort of your home or while traveling. It's an excellent work-from-home or digital nomad career option with a lot of profit potential, even more so in today's perilous Coronavirus recession economy plagued by inflation. As a professional blogger, the sky is the limit in terms of earning potential, which can range from a small side hustle to six or seven figures.

Here are five specific steps to help you quit your dead-end job and transition into a lucrative full-time blogging career that will support you in 2022.

Blogging Professionally

1. Establish A Blog To Disseminate Your Unique Insights

If you want to be a professional blogger, you must first create a blog. Fortunately, that costs nothing, or at most $100, depending on how you do it. To get started, you can use WordPress.com, WordPress.org, or BlogSpot / Blogger. Purchase a domain name from GoDaddy or one of the dozens of other website registrars for $10-20 or less and, if necessary, purchase hosting for self-hosting WordPress.org. Begin by reading and watching tutorials and experimenting with creating a few pages and articles to gain a basic understanding of the platform. When it comes to creating a blog, Google and YouTube are your friends!

What Motivates You?

While we recognize how unpleasant your job is, what are your other interests, hobbies, and passions? What did you aspire to be when you grew up? Do you still have an ember of hope for that dream burning within you? Whatever you want to do in the meantime, there is a way to share it with the world without actually doing it, and that is through blogging. Blogging is a platform that is entirely yours to write on, to upload videos to, or to do whatever you please. It enables you to communicate what you are unable to express at work.

Assume you retain a strong passion for theater. You can write about theater fantasies while working at your dreadful job. Create a story that is amusing, sad, or angry. It makes no difference. Professional blogging enables you to share your dreams with the world. This cannot be taken away by a job. Adhere to your passion!

2. Identify Your Blog's Niche

Your niche is your area of expertise. That is what you want your blog to be about. The most effective method of determining your niche is to associate your greatest passion with something beneficial to others. As with your Theater niche, you could discuss how to act while working a regular job. You can assist other Theater majors in finding time for acting while maintaining a job. Alternatively, you can simply discuss all of your interests and offer assistance to others who are struggling. Additionally, you could record monologues and post them directly to your blog.

Whatever you do, ensure that it is at least somewhat entertaining, useful, or provides solutions to people's problems. The most effective way to steer your business blog in the right direction is to use Helpful to validate blog concepts and titles prior to publication.

If you enjoy music, describe how it makes you feel as if you've escaped from your job. Assist others in feeling as though they've escaped their job through music. The point is to write about your passions and insecurities while also assisting others who are experiencing similar issues. The more problems you assist people in resolving, the more likely they are to return and continue reading your blog.

3. Initially, juggle your blog with a job.

A blog requires time to develop. You're likely to need to continue working while your blog grows an audience and generates enough traffic to monetize. Ideally, you should maintain your benefits and weekly paycheck while working on your side blogging business.

Every day before work, I blogged. It became easier the more I practiced. If you write content, ensure that it is unique and has a minimum of 600 words per post, or a video / infographic with a minimum of 300 words. The key is to create consistent content.

The more consistent you are, the more love you will receive from search engines like Google, which will result in increased organic traffic and audience growth. While SEO requires time, it is a wise investment for bloggers.

4. Earn Money From Your Blog

This is the exciting part, and also the most critical if you wish to pursue a career as a professional blogger. Once your blog gains traction, you'll be able to add revenue-generating advertising or affiliate products to your site. Ideally, you want to promote a product or service that is relevant to your niche. Google's Adsense is an excellent "Cost Per Click" advertising platform because it caters to your readers' pre-existing interests. The advertisements adapt to the reader's needs based on the content on your site and their search preferences. While this type of personalization based on browsing history and cookies is somewhat frightening, it is effective for consistently personalized advertisements. Google Adsense is only truly profitable when your blog receives at least 1,000 daily visitors, so it's really only a starting point for monetizing your blog.

I'd pursue higher-paying opportunities such as affiliate marketing, sponsored content, premium ad networks, or network marketing. For instance, on this site, I promote a network marketing product and earn 75% commissions, as well as a web hosting service that pays 50% commissions. Additionally, I use Amazon Affiliates and premium ad networks to earn money from my blog. There are some excellent deals available, and you can always diversify your revenue streams on your blog as you gain experience and publish more content, including paid reviews and article writing income.

Selling Ebooks or your own branded products is another way to monetize your blog. On Spreadshirt, you can create a free merchandise store, design your products, set your own prices, and earn commissions whenever a purchase is made. You are not even required to purchase or stock inventory! Additionally, some bloggers create courses or create their own unique products to sell on their sites. Other full-time bloggers supplement their blog income with consulting or coaching services. The possibilities for increasing your blog's revenue are virtually limitless.

This is where the pressure begins to build. If you are unable to consistently monetize your blog on a sustainable scale month after month, you will not succeed as a professional blogger. You must ensure that you can earn money consistently from multiple revenue streams in the event that one of your blog's revenue streams slows or stops.

5. Finally, Terminate Your Boss and Begin Building Your Blog

The most incredible feeling in the world is when your blog begins to pay you MORE than your job does. You have the ecstatic right at this point to submit your two-week notice. Alternatively, ghost them or storm out triumphantly, as in the films "I Quit!" but we strongly advise against burning your bridges. You will feel liberated once you fire your boss, quit your job, and begin earning a full-time living from blogging. Simply avoid doing so too soon; timing is critical as you transition to professional blogging.

After all, this is the era dubbed "The Great Resignation," during which underpaid and underappreciated workers reclaim their freedom, recognize their worth, and achieve a more balanced work-life balance.

Blogging Is Not A Quick-Fix And Requires Time

Although the world's top bloggers (think Perez Hilton or Neil Patel) earn 6-7 figures per year, you should temper your expectations... especially in the first year or two. Your first year of full-time blogging income may be closer to $30-40k. Blogging is not a get-rich-quick scheme designed to get you out of your job; it is a journey of self-discovery. Not only does blogging expose your thoughts to the world, it also helps you grow as a thinker. It takes a lot of content to grow your blog to the point where it can replace your job, but it's a journey worth taking because a low-paying job will never help you financially.

We must evolve in order to achieve greater things in life, and a blog is the most certain way I am aware of to enable you to quit your job and work for yourself full time. As a professional content producer, there is still hope to be your own boss!

Even if you miss the moon, you will land among the stars.

This Norman Vincent Peale quote is extremely pertinent for ambitious bloggers. To be successful, you do not have to be the next Neil Patel or Perez Hilton earning seven figures per year. There is ample opportunity for bloggers to earn five or six figures per year, even if they are not household names or niche celebrities.

Even if your blog does not succeed or does not replace your primary source of income, it has the potential to open up significant doors in your career. I know dozens of people who did exactly that following a semi-successful or even unsuccessful blogging career. Your blog has just increased your knowledge of writing, content marketing, social media, email marketing, SEO, affiliate sales, and pay-per-click advertising, among other things! These are all valuable skills for a variety of employers and will significantly increase your marketability if you need to find another full-time job. Consider it a blogger's contingency plan!

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