Making Money from Selling Advertising Space

Making Money from Selling Advertising Space

If you observe the company that delivers your daily newspaper for the purpose of conducting a business case study, you will discover that the newspaper publisher employs reporters, writers, and other key personnel to create content and deliver the papers to their readers.

selling advertising space

Additionally to the aforementioned, the publisher must invest in heavy-duty machinery and tons of paper on a daily basis to print tons of newspapers.

And to ensure timely delivery of the newspapers, the publisher appoints agents in every part of the covered territory.

Thus, how does a newspaper company generate revenue? It is self-evident that selling a single copy of the papers for less than a dollar would be insufficient to fund the operations.

What is the answer? Advertising spaces for sale! You've almost certainly seen numerous advertisements in the newspaper. The publisher merely sells advertising space in the newspapers to advertisers looking to capitalize on the paper's large readership.

Using the same analogy, you can earn money from your newsletter in the exact same manner: by selling advertising space to prospective advertisers!

Once your mailing list reaches 1,000 (5,000 is recommended) subscribers, you can begin selling advertising space for as little as $10.00 per sponsor advertisement.

This way, each issue you send to your subscribers becomes a profit-generating device. And, because there is virtually no end to the stream of advertisers as new products, services, and businesses emerge daily in every industry imaginable, your money-making opportunities are virtually limitless.

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