Top 5 Traffic Conversion Hot Buttons

Top 5 Traffic Conversion Hot Buttons

Getting an online surfer's attention is difficult enough, so you want as many viewers as possible to convert into actual buyers. You also want to persuade buyers to become repeat customers.

Traffic Conversion

How do you get them to click the "buy" button after you've told them the product story? Here are some traffic conversion hot buttons you should add to your website right now:

1. Identify the flaws in your competitors. 

Popular products will inevitably attract rivals. Examine the competition to identify any flaws or differences that you can exploit. Do you offer expedited or discounted shipping, a choice of downloads or CDs, gift wrapping, or international shipping? Tell buyers what differentiates you from your competitors.

2. Don't be shy about mentioning someone's name! 

Look for a celebrity to promote your product. It does not have to be a movie star, but rather people who are well-known and respected in your niche market. Send your product to niche celebrities and request an honest review as well as permission to use their comments on your website. You reap the benefits of the endorsers' celebrity.

3. Make your case! 

Look for research that will help your product advance in the market. Even a simple study indicating that "7 out of 10 people who regularly exercise are less likely to get prickly heat" could be tenuously related to your product. Make the link plausible. If no research exists, conduct your own by utilizing the results of an online survey or poll.

4. Put your knowledge to the test. 

Create three distinct pitches based on your primary product. For a period of ten days, use each page. Compare outcomes at the end of the month. The pitch that appeals to the greatest number of buyers isn't always the one you prefer. Remember, it's all about what the buyer likes - even if it's not your favorite.

5. Win by making friends. 

Make certain that your sales copy engages your buyer. You can make money with straight sales copy, but you'll make more money if you build a relationship with your customers.

Allow them to become involved in your life to the point where they care about you and will be more willing to invest in your products. You can create a forum to discuss your niche interest or include brief reviews from your customers.

Include a photo and candid interview with a buyer. When you give buyers reasons to come back on a regular basis, you're building a relationship. Needless to say, your "special offer" email is read while others are discarded.

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