How to Make Money as a Blogger with Affiliate Marketing

How to Make Money as a Blogger with Affiliate Marketing

How do bloggers make money? Affiliate marketing is one of the most common answers to that question, but it can be difficult to figure out how to get started with affiliate marketing if you don’t know anyone in the industry or where to start looking for products you can market. This guide will help you understand how blogging and affiliate marketing can work together to build your bank account and grow your business.

How to Make Money as a Blogger

Step 1

Create an account on an affiliate marketing network: These networks connect advertisers to websites. If you want to sell products that are relevant to your content, it’s a good idea to find out which networks they use and sign up. Google AdSense is one of the most popular ways bloggers can make money through affiliate marketing, though there are dozens of other networks that you can use.

Step 2

Write your content (400-1000 words) by following our business blogging template . Remember to focus on ONE key takeaway for each section. All great business posts have one takeaway for every section. While building your content, use these questions below as guidance: What is my main idea? What am I trying to say in this paragraph? How can I make that clear? Am I saying what I want or do I need more information here?

Step 3

Research your keywords using Google Adwords Keyword Planner . Let’s use one of our keyword ideas above, how to start a business. Type in how to start a business and press enter. This will show you all related keywords that people are searching for on Google: Here we can see that people search for how to start an online business from home and many other related variations of that same idea.

Step 4

Provide an introduction to affiliate marketing. : As simple as it might sound, one of your primary tasks in establishing yourself is explaining what you do and how you can help people. New clients come into every business all day long looking for ways they can save money or make more money, so when someone shows up at your door, explain who you are and how you plan on helping them.

Step 5

Write Your Article Now that you’ve completed Step 4, you should have an idea of what you want your post to be about. If not, go back and finish Steps 1 through 4. Step 5 is where you actually sit down and write your post. It’s just like writing any other document: think about what information you want to include in your post, come up with some good transitions between those points, and then start writing!

Step 6

Review your product titles and make sure you didn't forget any keywords. Step 7: Put it all together Now that you have one subheading for each of your main topic areas, you're going to write your post. Use these headings as 'hubs' and consider whether or not to include them in your post. If they don't fit, cut them out! You'll also use these headings when it comes time to promote your content on social media! First, write out an outline for your post. Then, go through each point you outlined (using our keyword suggestions) and create a subheading. Here's what that would look like: And here's how I would actually write my post if I followed my outline above (this is just an example -- but exactly what you'd end up doing if you followed our instructions)

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